Pingxi Line Tour and Jiufen


I’ve heard a lot about the Pingxi line tour so wanted to check out. As Jiufen was not that far from Pingxi, we went there too.

The Pingxi line is a 12 km local train line that you can hop in and off at any of the stops. We got off first at Houtong station which is also known as a cat village.

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There were cats everywhere, not only actual cats but also cat dolls, sculptures, and miniatures. The cats seemed to be used to meet tourists. They didn’t try to run away from them at all.

After the Houtong village, we moved to Shifen station. It is a famous place for sky lanterns where you can write your wishes and release them. It was interesting to see many tourists releasing the paper lanterns on the railways while train was waiting for the next departure.


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We made our wishes about money, love, health etc. and released a lantern to the sky too. I hope at least one of the wishes come true.

After the Pingxi line tour, we headed out to Jiufen where we explored a traditional Taiwanese street market.

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The market was connected to a hill where we could see a nice view of the sea though it was foggy because of a shower. It was strongly recommended to see a night view in Jiufen according to my travel book, but we had to go back to Taipei before it got dark to see a night market there.

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